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Elementor is a popular WordPress plugin that allows you to design and customize your website’s pages using a drag-and-drop interface. It’s a user-friendly page builder that doesn’t require any coding knowledge.

How to use Elementor and explore its usefulness for bloggers:

  1. Understanding Elementor:
    Elementor is a powerful page builder plugin for WordPress that enables you to create, design, and customize web pages with ease. It provides a user-friendly, drag-and-drop interface, eliminating the need for coding knowledge. With Elementor, you can visually create stunning layouts, add various elements, and design your website pages in real time.
  2. How Elementor Works:
    Once you have installed and activated the Elementor plugin, you can access the Elementor editor by clicking on the “Edit with Elementor” button while editing a page or creating a new one in your WordPress dashboard.
  3. Using Elementor for Blogging:
    Elementor is particularly useful for bloggers because it allows you to:
  • Create Engaging Blog Post Layouts: With Elementor, you can design visually appealing blog post layouts that include eye-catching headings, images, videos, buttons, and other elements to capture your readers’ attention.
  • Customize Blog Post Templates: Elementor provides a library of pre-designed templates specifically tailored for blog posts. You can choose from various layouts and customize them to match your brand or writing style.
  • Enhance Readability: Elementor offers features like the “Table of Contents” widget, which automatically generates a clickable list of headings within your blog post, making it easier for readers to navigate.
  • Add Call-to-Action (CTA) Buttons: Encourage user engagement by adding attractive CTA buttons to prompt readers to subscribe, share your content, or take any other desired action.
  • Create Landing Pages: Elementor’s versatility allows you to design dedicated landing pages for your blog posts or offers, helping to convert readers into subscribers or customers.
  • Responsive Design: Elementor ensures that your blog post layouts are responsive, meaning they will automatically adjust to different screen sizes and devices, providing a seamless user experience.
  • Time-Saving and Consistent Design: With Elementor’s global settings and reusable style kits, you can maintain consistent design elements throughout your blog, saving time and effort.

4. Getting Started with Elementor:
To start using Elementor effectively for blogging:

  • Install and activate the Elementor plugin on your WordPress site.
  • Create a new blog post or edit an existing one.
  • Launch the Elementor editor by clicking on “Edit with Elementor.”
  • Use the drag-and-drop interface to add elements, customize layouts, and enhance the design of your blog post.
  • Preview your blog post to see how it will appear to readers.
  • Once you’re satisfied with the design, click “Update” to save your changes and publish the blog post.

By leveraging the capabilities of Elementor, you can elevate your blog’s visual appeal, engagement, and overall user experience. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced blogger, Elementor can be a valuable tool to enhance your blog’s design and create content that stands out.



  1. Install and Activate Elementor.
  2. Create a New Page or Edit an Existing Page.
  3. Launch Elementor Page Builder.
  4. Get Familiar with the Interface.
  5. Add Elements and Customize Your Page.
  6. Manage Sections and Columns.
  7. Preview and Publish Your Page.
  8. Using Elementor Templates.
  9. Global Settings.
  10. Elementor Keyboard Shortcuts.

1. Install and Activate Elementor:

  • Log in to your WordPress dashboard.
  • Navigate to “Plugins” in the left sidebar and click on “Add New.”
  • Search for “Elementor” using the search bar.
  • Click on “Install Now” next to the Elementor plugin, and then click “Activate” to enable it on your website.

2. Create a New Page or Edit an Existing Page:

  • After activating Elementor, go to “Pages” in the WordPress dashboard.
  • Choose an existing page to edit, or click on “Add New” to create a new page.

3. Launch Elementor Page Builder:

  • Once you are in the page editor, you can launch the Elementor editor by clicking on the “Edit with Elementor” button, which you’ll find at the top of the page.

4. Get Familiar with the Interface:

  • The Elementor editor interface will appear, divided into three main areas: the left sidebar, the main editing area (canvas), and the top navigation bar.
  • On the left sidebar, you’ll find various widgets and elements that you can drag and drop into your page. There are widgets for headings, images, text blocks, buttons, videos, and more.
  • The main editing area is where you’ll design your page by dragging elements from the sidebar and dropping them into place.
  • The top navigation bar provides options to save your work, preview your page, and exit the Elementor editor.

5. Add Elements and Customize Your Page:

  • To add an element, drag a widget from the left sidebar and drop it onto your page.
  • Once an element is added, you can click on it to customize its settings. The left sidebar will change to display specific options for that element, such as text settings, image settings, etc.
  • You can change colors, fonts, sizes, and other design aspects to match your website’s branding.

6. Manage Sections and Columns:

  • Elementor uses a structure of sections and columns to organize your page. You can add new sections or columns by clicking on the “+” icon at the top of the editor.
  • To resize or adjust columns, you can drag the column handle left or right to change its width.

7. Preview and Publish Your Page:

  • To preview your page, click on the eye icon at the bottom of the editor.
  • Once you are satisfied with your design, click on the “Update” button to save your changes and make them live on your website.

8. Using Elementor Templates:

  • Elementor offers a library of pre-designed templates that you can use as a starting point for your pages. You can access these templates by clicking on the folder icon at the bottom of the editor.
  • Browse through various templates for different page types and styles. Import a template and customize it to suit your content.

9. Global Settings:

  • Elementor also provides global settings that allow you to control site-wide elements such as fonts, colors, and default settings for widgets. You can access global settings by going to “Elementor” > “Settings” in the WordPress dashboard.

10. Elementor Keyboard Shortcuts:

  • For faster editing, Elementor offers various keyboard shortcuts. Access the list of available shortcuts by pressing “Ctrl + /” on Windows or “Cmd + /” on macOS.
  • Elementor empowers you to design visually appealing and professional-looking pages for your WordPress website without any coding knowledge. Remember to save your changes regularly and preview your page on different devices to ensure responsiveness. The more you explore and experiment with Elementor, the better you’ll become at creating impressive and functional pages for your website.