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Yes, there is a connection between ECG and angioplasty.

An ECG is often used as part of the diagnostic process for coronary artery disease, which is a condition that can be treated with angioplasty.

When a person is experiencing symptoms such as chest pain or shortness of breath, an ECG may be performed to assess the electrical activity of the heart and determine if there are any abnormalities. If an ECG suggests the presence of coronary artery disease, further testing such as a coronary angiogram may be recommended to confirm the diagnosis.

Once the diagnosis of coronary artery disease is confirmed, angioplasty may be recommended as a treatment option to alleviate symptoms and improve blood flow to the heart. An ECG may also be used during the angioplasty procedure to monitor the electrical activity of the heart and ensure that the procedure is progressing safely.

So, while ECG and angioplasty are separate procedures, they are often used in conjunction with one another as part of the diagnostic and treatment process for coronary artery disease.