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Cradled In Splendor: Superhuman Observation And Its Reverberating Majesty

We often talk about observation and awareness about our surroundings when we are aiming for the design field. Even though there’s a lot of chaos in the name of observation and its awareness. I want you all to understand the deeper meaning of ”being an observer” and ”being observed”.

Today, I will delve into the meaning and significance of observation and awareness in both the general and design contexts. I will discuss the importance of being an observer and being observed, their roles in the design field, and how they contribute to the creative process. This answer will be divided into sections to provide a thorough exploration of these concepts.

observation. observe. superhuman eye

Observation and Awareness: An Introduction

Observation and awareness are fundamental aspects of human experience. We constantly engage with our surroundings, using our senses to gather information and make sense of the world. In everyday life, observation is a natural process that allows us to navigate our environment, understand social cues, and learn from our experiences.

In the design field, observation and awareness take on a more intentional and focused role. Designers strive to create meaningful, functional, and visually appealing solutions for various problems. To achieve this, they need a deep understanding of the context, users, and objectives of their designs. Observation and awareness play crucial roles in this process.

Being an Observer: The Design Perspective

When we talk about being an observer in the design field, we refer to the practice of actively and attentively observing the world around us. It goes beyond passive observation and involves a deliberate effort to notice details, patterns, and interactions that may be relevant to the design process.

Observation in design encompasses various aspects. It includes observing user behaviour, needs, and preferences to create user-centred designs. By carefully observing users, designers can gain valuable insights into how people engage with products, services, and environments. This understanding enables them to create solutions that meet user needs effectively.

Additionally, being an observer requires designers to pay attention to aesthetics, form, and functionality. By observing the design elements and principles present in the environment, designers can draw inspiration and incorporate these elements into their own work. This process helps to create visually appealing and harmonious designs.

Moreover, being an observer involves being open to different perspectives and sources of inspiration. Designers often draw inspiration from nature, art, culture, and other disciplines. By observing and appreciating diverse influences, designers can develop unique and innovative design concepts.

Being Observed: The Impact of Design

While being an observer is important, being observed is also a significant aspect of the design process. Once a design is created, it is experienced and interpreted by others. The way users perceive and interact with a design can greatly impact its success and effectiveness.

Considering the audience and their perspectives is crucial in design. By being aware of how their creations will be received, designers can tailor their designs to meet user expectations and preferences. This involves understanding the cultural context, emotional responses, and usability factors that influence user experiences.

When a design is well-received and positively perceived, it can evoke emotional connections, create memorable experiences, and foster user loyalty. On the other hand, if a design is misunderstood or poorly received, it may fail to meet its intended purpose and alienate users. By considering how their designs will be observed and interpreted, designers can ensure that their creations resonate with users on a deeper level.

Observation and Awareness in the Design Process

Observation and awareness are not isolated activities in the design process. They are interconnected and mutually influential, shaping the entire creative journey.

The design process typically begins with a problem or a need. Observing and being aware of the problem or need is the first step in understanding the context and identifying potential solutions. By observing the problem from various angles and perspectives, designers can gain insights and uncover opportunities for improvement.

Once the problem is understood, designers engage in user research and observation. This involves observing users in their natural environments, conducting interviews, and using various research methods to gain a deeper understanding of user needs, behaviours, and pain points. By observing users’ interactions with existing products or services, designers can identify areas for improvement and develop design solutions that address these needs effectively.

Throughout the design process, observation and awareness inform decision-making. Designers constantly observe and evaluate their design choices, seeking feedback and making adjustments based on their observations. They may conduct user testing and usability studies to observe how users interact with prototypes and gather valuable insights for refining their designs.

observation. observe. superhuman eye

The Deeper Meaning: Reflection and Iteration

Beyond the surface level, being an observer and being observed in the design field involves reflection and iteration. Reflection refers to the process of contemplating and analyzing observations, experiences, and design choices. It is a critical step in gaining deeper insights and refining design solutions.

Designers often engage in reflective practices such as journaling, sketching, and brainstorming to explore ideas and refine their designs. By reflecting on their observations and experiences, designers can uncover underlying patterns, identify strengths and weaknesses, and generate new ideas. This process allows designers to iterate and improve their designs iteratively, ensuring that they meet user needs effectively.

Moreover, being an observer and being observed requires designers to embrace a growth mindset. Designers must be open to feedback, critique, and collaboration. By actively seeking feedback and involving others in the design process, designers can broaden their perspective and their way of thinking.


In conclusion, observation plays a crucial role in the field of design, contributing to its success and effectiveness. Through keen observation, designers are able to gain valuable insights, discover hidden needs, and create solutions that truly resonate with their target audience.

Observation allows designers to step outside of their own perspectives and immerse themselves in the world of their users. By carefully observing how people interact with products, spaces, or experiences, designers can identify pain points, understand user behaviour, and uncover unmet needs. This deep understanding of the user’s context and motivations is fundamental in creating designs that are intuitive, meaningful, and impactful.

Moreover, observation provides designers with the opportunity to gather inspiration and generate fresh ideas. By closely observing the world around them, designers can identify trends, patterns, and innovative approaches that can inform their own creative process. Observation fuels creativity by exposing designers to new perspectives, cultures, and experiences, allowing them to push boundaries and challenge conventions.

Furthermore, observation acts as a powerful tool for validation and iteration in the design process. Through observation, designers can test their assumptions and hypotheses, ensuring that their designs align with the needs and preferences of their users. By observing how users interact with prototypes or early iterations, designers can gather feedback, identify areas for improvement, and refine their designs iteratively.

Observation also fosters empathy in design. By immersing themselves in the experiences and perspectives of their users, designers can develop a deep sense of empathy and understanding. This empathic approach enables designers to create designs that truly resonate with users, addressing their needs, desires, and aspirations.

Observation is a vital component of the design process, enabling designers to gain insights, generate ideas, validate designs, and foster empathy. By embracing observation as a fundamental practice, designers can create solutions that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also relevant, meaningful, and impactful to the lives of their users.