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welcoming thoughts

Describe a risk you took that you do not regret.

Daily writing prompt
Describe a risk you took that you do not regret.

This might sound very childish or in a abrogative sense but yes talking to your best friend late at night is not at all acceptable not just in Indian homes i suppose. they all are more inclined towards preserving their reputation over boring lives. I love doing opposite things being told to me, if someone would have asked me to stay away from friends I would end up talking to them for hours. It’s fun to think how that time was.

Okay, so the main story. I joined a social media which my parents didn’t want me to be there. so, to be very short about the experience. I personally enjoyed it a lot. It was totally like entering into a new world, talking to people of totally different genres and places gave me a lot of knowledge about how people see the world and why there is such a gap in thinking between the young generation and old ones.