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Difference between visitors and views of stats in wordpress?

In WordPress, “visitors” and “views” are two different metrics used to measure website traffic and engagement, but they represent different aspects of user interaction.

  1. Visitors: The term “visitors” typically refers to the number of unique individuals who access your website within a specific timeframe. Each visitor is counted only once, regardless of how many times they visit or interact with your site. It helps you understand the number of distinct individuals who have shown interest in your website.
  2. Views: “Views” refers to the total number of times a particular page or post has been accessed on your website. It includes both unique and repeated views by the same visitor. If a visitor reloads the page or navigates to another page and returns later, it counts as an additional view. Views provide insights into the popularity and engagement level of your individual pages or posts.

Visitors count the number of unique individuals accessing your website, while views count the total number of times your pages or posts have been accessed, including repeated views by the same visitor. Both metrics are important for analyzing website traffic and user engagement, but they offer different perspectives on user behavior.