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  1. Hyperparameter tuning – the process of selecting the best values for the parameters of a machine learning algorithm.
  2. Quantum computing – a field of computing that utilizes the principles of quantum mechanics to perform complex calculations.
  3. Blockchain – a digital ledger of transactions that is maintained by a network of computers, with each transaction being verified by a consensus of network participants.
  4. Convolutional neural network – a type of artificial neural network commonly used in image and video recognition.
  5. Monte Carlo simulation – a computational method that uses random sampling to simulate the behavior of complex systems.
  6. Differential equations – a mathematical tool for modeling continuous processes, such as those in physics and engineering.
  7. Singular value decomposition – a matrix factorization technique that is commonly used in machine learning and data analysis.
  8. Discrete Fourier transform – a mathematical transform used to convert a time-domain signal into a frequency-domain representation.
  9. Stochastic gradient descent – an optimization algorithm commonly used in machine learning for minimizing the cost function of a model.
  10. K-nearest neighbors – a classification algorithm that assigns a new data point to the class of its nearest neighbors in a feature space.