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Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) chamber

A hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) chamber is a medical device used to deliver high concentrations of oxygen to a patient’s body. The chamber is typically a pressurized tube-like structure made of steel or acrylic and is designed to accommodate one or more patients.

During a hyperbaric oxygen therapy session, the patient enters the chamber and breathes in 100% pure oxygen while the chamber is pressurized to a level higher than atmospheric pressure. This increases the amount of oxygen that is dissolved in the patient’s blood, allowing it to be delivered to areas of the body that may be deprived of oxygen due to injury, infection, or other medical conditions.

HBOT is commonly used to treat a variety of conditions, including carbon monoxide poisoning, decompression sickness, non-healing wounds, and radiation injury. It may also be used as an adjunct therapy for certain infections, such as gangrene and necrotizing fasciitis. It is also used to help speed up recovery from certain types of surgeries, such as plastic surgery and radiation therapy.

It’s important to note that HBOT is a medical treatment that should only be administered by qualified healthcare professionals in a controlled environment. While HBOT is generally safe, it may have side effects such as ear pain, sinus pressure, lung injuries, seizures, and temporary vision changes.