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  1. DeepArt uses neural networks to transform your photos into works of art. It allows you to apply famous artist filters and create unique and visually appealing images.
  2. RunwayML: RunwayML is a platform that provides access to a variety of AI-powered tools, including image generation. It offers models like DALL-E, which can generate images based on textual descriptions, and DeepDream, which produces surreal and abstract images.
  3. ArtBreeder: ArtBreeder is an online tool that combines images using AI algorithms to create new and unique visual compositions. It allows you to mix and blend different images, styles, and genres to generate stunning and imaginative results.
  4. NVIDIA GANs: NVIDIA offers a collection of generative adversarial network (GAN) models, such as StyleGAN and StyleGAN2, which generate high-quality and realistic images. These models are known for their ability to generate detailed and diverse images across a range of styles.
  5. Google Deep Dream: Deep Dream is a popular image generation technique developed by Google. It uses deep neural networks to enhance and modify images, producing dream-like and psychedelic visuals. Several open-source implementations and online tools are available to experiment with Deep Dream.
  6. IBM Watson Visual Recognition: IBM Watson provides a visual recognition service that incorporates AI algorithms to analyze and generate insights from images. While it focuses on image recognition and classification, it also offers features for generating image metadata and identifying visual patterns.
  7. OpenAI DALL-E: DALL-E, developed by OpenAI, is a groundbreaking AI model that generates images from textual descriptions. It can generate unique and highly detailed images of objects that it has never seen before, based solely on the provided text prompts.