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Threads app

The Threads app is indeed a standalone application developed by Instagram. Threads is designed as a companion app to Instagram, focusing on private messaging and sharing with close friends. It provides a more intimate and private space for connecting with a select group of people.

The app allows users to create a dedicated list of “Close Friends” from their Instagram followers. Within Threads, users can easily share photos, videos, messages, and even status updates with their Close Friends. The status updates are intended to offer real-time glimpses into users’ activities or moods, similar to the “Stories” feature on Instagram.

One of the key features of Threads is the “Auto Status” option. If enabled, the app can use location data, accelerometer readings, and other information to generate an “auto status” that provides a general idea of what the user is currently doing. This feature aims to make it easier for users to share their daily activities without the need for manual input..

Threads also includes a camera interface that enables users to quickly capture and share visual content. It provides shortcuts to easily send photos and videos to specific individuals or groups of Close Friends.

The main goal of Threads is to facilitate more private and focused conversations with a user’s inner circle. It serves as an extension of the messaging functionality found within the Instagram app, offering a streamlined experience for communicating with Close Friends without the distractions of the broader Instagram feed.

It’s worth noting that the features and functionality of apps can evolve over time, so we recommend checking the official Instagram website or app store for more info. about the Threads app.